Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I'm So Crafty I Make People

Well, I went into labor right after my last post, so there was no lounging around on the couch and resting up before the big event. This little boy wanted to come early, and there was no stopping him.

Life with a newborn is wonderful, exciting, and often exhausting. I'm still trying to adjust to life with two kiddos. Despite me-time being even more limited, I have managed to sew up this month's quilt block and finish a knitted sweater that I've been working on for the new baby. I'm going to try to post them soon.

In between feedings, and diaper changes, and Blues Clues-watching with my older son, I've been thinking about some projects I'd like to work on in the coming months, namely the uber popular Aidez cardigan. I even ordered the yarn to make it from my LYS. Hopefully it will fit by the time I'm done knitting it (It's definitely not going to be fun to take off the pregnancy lbs. again).

It's also almost August and you know what that means...blanket time! I always have a ridiculous urge to crochet blankets in the sweltering heat of summer. This year is no exception; I started crocheting another ripple blanket out of scrap yarn. It's completely mindless, which is perfect for this tired and sleep-deprived momma. Hopefully it will be finished by winter, and I'll be able to snuggle under it with my two little men while watching tv at night.
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